by spanishOSHAguy | Dec 3, 2013 | Services/Training Offered
ARE THESE PROGRAMS FOR YOU? If you manage or work with Spanish-speakers on a daily basis or at least 2 days a week. Then YES! If you have an interest in improving communications, but are not interested in becoming “fluent”. Then YES! If you just want some...
by spanishOSHAguy | Sep 19, 2013 | Services/Training Offered
If you choose to have your people take the online course, please take into account the below items in order to give them best chance at success. Also, consider the Pros and Cons of both online vs. onsite training. ONLINE PROS AND CONS 1.) Do NOT tell your employees...
by spanishOSHAguy | Jun 29, 2013 | Toolbox Talk Content
Have you ever had a frayed extension cord, broken tool or busted ladder? What did you do with it once you realized and decided it was unsafe to use or -indeed- it was broken? We often have this discussion in my OSHA 10 hour and 30 hour Outreach Trainings. Most...
by spanishOSHAguy | Jun 27, 2013 | Toolbox Talk Content
My most recent videos are turning into a little series on hygiene. Remember, these videos are for you to use in your Toolbox Safety Talks or your Safety Huddles at the beginning of each day or week. In my last video blog post, I showed and explained how to properly...
by spanishOSHAguy | May 23, 2013 | Toolbox Talk Content
Howdy! Okay after working in Texas for 6 weeks straight, I’m fixing to go crazy because I haven’t heard y’all talk like a Texan since I’ve been back to Mass. 🙂 Alright, I’ll stop. But I’m continually fascinated by the English and...