Since September I’ve met 4 personal trainers who have gone into local manufacturing organizations (200+ employees) in their area to roll out a completely voluntary wellness program. The companies were in Massachusetts (MA) and New Jersey (NJ). This blog post and safety (or wellness) video is the first of a series of 7 videos that I’m going to post for you!

Also, this year when I spoke at the New England ASSE (American Society of Safety Engineers) Professional Development Conference and Expo, I met another speaker whose topic was wellness programs for your employees. It just seems to make sense now that I will bring this good content to you!

I got to see the inside of these companies and the fitness centers that crafted these custom wellness programs. I’ve spend multiple days working out and training with the 4 certified personal trainers who implemented these stretching and exercise programs at their respectively companies.

This first wellness video sets the stage for the following 6 safety videos on stretching and exercise. It sets the stage for everything you do at work, at home and even sitting in your car. I’ve heard chiropractors talk and teach about it as well as physical therapists who specialize in back injuries. This is what is needed for a healthy body no matter what you do!

Be sure to watch the Disclaimer Video before attempting any exercises or stretches demonstrated by Steve. Just like in any gym or any activity, you must be healthy enough to do these exercises and only you and a doctor can make that determination. You participate and do these stretches and exercises at your own risk.

How can you best use this safety video to its maximum potential in your toolbox talk or safety training? This is how:

  1. Set it up. Always think how you will draw people in and spark their curiosity whenever you show any video. One of the easiest ways to do this is to ask a question. This video sets the stage for 6 additional videos and it is important. Consider people’s experience. Perhaps ask someone to show the group before you show the video how to find the proper posture. Ask who works out. Ask who does squats or dead lifts. They almost always know the proper posture and can often teach people how to find it. It’s not complicated, but it is “wicked” important (in proper Massachusetts’ lingo).
  2. Debrief the video. Always be sure to ask questions about what they saw, challenge them to make improvements or take action in their lives, and/or poll your audience. In this specific wellness video, some questions or “polls” you could ask are, “Okay, show of hands for those of you who learned something new. Then ask someone with a raised hand to tell what he learned. If no one raises their hand, then ask for a show of hands for those whose knowledge was reinforced or were reminded of something that they had known previously. Then as them to share what it was. Become creative and learn to master the art of Debriefing a video.

Finally, below is a checklist of what was shown in the video. Steps to Neutral Spine (Correct Posture):
1.) Start bottom to top (feet to head).
2.) Place feet hip-width apart with toes straight out.
3.) Knees very slightly or just barely bent (almost straight).
4.) Hip waist in the middle of spilling “bucket” out front and back.
5.) Roll shoulders back and let rest on sides.
6.) Stand head tall by pointing back-top of head upward.

Until next time,


Spanish OSHA Guy!