This is the 7th and final video in this Ergonomic/Wellness series! These videos present a complete stretching and wellness program than you can roll out with your employees or for yourself. This final video shows additional safe lifting techniques. These videos on wellness were designed by fitness professionals who rolled out these exercises and stretching techniques at manufacturing facilities.

If you haven’t seen the first several wellness videos in this series, be sure to check them out in order:

  1. Proper Posture
  2. Leg Balance & Wall Pushup
  3. Deadlift
  4. Lunge and Downward Dog on Wall
  5. Shoulder Stretch on Wall
  6. Additional Stretches

Be sure to watch the Disclaimer Video before attempting any exercises or stretches demonstrated here. Just like in any gym or any activity, you must be healthy enough to do these exercises and only you and/or a doctor can make that determination. You participate and do these stretches and exercises at your own risk.

How can you best use this safety video to its maximum potential in your toolbox talk or OSHA training? This is how:

  1. Set it up. One of the absolute best ways to stimulate interest is to tell your group what they are going to see, but to leave out one important detail that they will see or learn in the video. In this case, you can ask people to look for how to properly lift something while squatting down. Always seek to get your audience thinking and curious to see what you’re about to show them.
  2. Debrief the safety video. When you debrief this video, ask your group what muscles are used to stand up straight when you squat down. The answer is to squeeze their butt and hamstrings! Become creative and learn to master the art of debriefing a video.

Until next time,


Spanish OSHA Guy!